This podcast features Vincent Katz class of 1978. Vincent is a poet, translator, critic, editor, and curator. He is the author of fifteen books of poetry, including Broadway for Paul and Previous Glances: an intense togetherness. He won the 2005 National Translation Award, given by the American Literary Translators Association, for his book of translations from Latin, The Complete Elegies of Sextus Propertius. He was awarded a Rome Prize Fellowship in Literature at the American Academy in Rome for 2001-2002. Vincent has done book collaborations with artists, including James Brown, Rudy Burckhardt, Francesco Clemente, Wayne Gonzales, and Alex Katz, and with poets, including Anne Waldman. He writes frequently on contemporary art and has published reviews, articles, and essays on a wide range of visual artists, including Ghada Amer and Reza Farkondeh, Jennifer Bartlett, Janet Fish, Nabil Nahas, Kiki Smith, Beat Streuli, and Cy Twombly. He curated a museum exhibition about Black Mountain College and he curated "Street Dance: The New York Photographs of Rudy Burckhardt" for the Museum of the City of New York.
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