This episode features the memorial service for Douglas Tobin, a Classics Department teacher at Trinity since 1987. Mr. Tobin lost his brave fight against lymphoma on 26 August 2013. He was sixty-three years old. The memorial service was held on Wednesday, 11 September 2013 in the Hawley Chapel of Trinity School. The program runs for about eighty minutes and includes Head of School John Allman, Classics Department Head Donald Connor, Doug's best friend since childhood Dan Jusko, English Teacher Saul Isaacson, retired English Teacher Jane Mallison, Head of the Religion, Philosophy, and Ethics Department Andrew McCarron, Classics Teacher Kaori Miller, Classics Teacher William Pagonis, alumna and Dan Jusko's daughter Christina Rumpf ’00, and a letter from Doug's older brother Ron Tobin. Music at the memorial was performed by James Cifelli, on trumpet; Brian Glassman, on bass; Reid Jenkins ’10, on violin; and Pete McCann, on guitar.

The program begins with the Reverend Timothy Morehouse, Trinity's chaplain.


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Direct download: 101013_final-TrinityMemorial-01_01-01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:36am PDT